Fast Facts
The mission of Federation Housing (FH) is to provide much-needed affordable housing communities and services that empower low-and-moderate-income seniors to live independently and with an enhanced quality of life.
Federation Housing
Founded in 1970.
Developed, built and manages 12 affordable housing sites.

Affordable Housing Sites
9 in Northeast Philadelphia; 2 in Montgomery County; 1 in Bucks County.
Open to all, ages 62+
Service coordinators at every site facilitate access to community social services.
Federal programs determine income qualifications and rent levels.
7 sites operate under HUD guidelines; 5 operate under Low-Income Housing Tax Credit guidelines.

Over 1,500 residents; 1,314 households.
Average age: 78 years old.
74% of residents are aged 75+
67% are women and 33% are men.
78% live alone.
68% are at 100% of povery level and below; 81% in HUD properties.
97% are at 250% of povery level and below; 98% in HUD properties.

Our programs are supported solely through philanthropic contributions.
21,000 meals served annually.
Free van transportation - 2,000 person-rides each year to local malls and food shopping, provided at all properties weekly.
Programming in collaboration with community partners including activities related to:
Music Therapy
Health and Wellness